Carstensz Pyramid – Feb 2019

Summit! First group this year for Carstensz Pyramid
On February 24th, 2019, our group successfully flew to base camp under the clear blue sky. The weather was very nice, that even heli can fly 3 times to base camp. According to plan, they spend one more day before summit to maximize the acclimatization process. Take a walk to the middle ridge and some rope training on the fix rope. On February 26th, at 11.30 we got report from our guide, Frans, that they already summited. Everyone was in good condition and start to descend back to base camp. “It’s snowing at base camp last night, luckily it stopped right before we went to summit. The snow already piled up on every ledge of Carstensz wall, making it more difficult for us to climb. The rock was slippery, water pouring everywhere on the fix line, and we keep cleaning our jumar because the rope was covered in ice and snow. And on the way down, it starts to rain, and snow, and then rain again. It’s a wet summit day”, Frans reported.
Besides that, we want to congratulate our members. Mrs. Lynn is the 2nd Singaporean Lady to summit Carstensz, and Ms. Celine is the 2nd Vietnamese or the 1st Vietnamese Lady to summit Carstensz.
Overall, the expedition going very well. Right on schedule, without any delay. On February 28th, all members already flew to Bali to relax and enjoy the beach. Now, we are waiting for the next group on mid-March. Hope for good weather and success